
Cryptofuzz example Python script for Recovery and Hunting Crypto Wallet from Decimal

import os

from cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator

conv = Convertor()
gen = Generator()

# generate random number decimal
dec = gen.generate_decimal()
# decimal to mnemonic
mnemonic = conv.int_to_mnemonic(dec)
# Convert decimal To Hex
privatekey = conv.int_to_hex(dec)
# Convert decimal To WIF Compress
wif_compress = conv.int_to_wif(dec, True)
# Convert decimal To WIF Uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.int_to_wif(dec, False)
# Convert Wif To Binary
binary_str = conv.int_to_binary(dec)
# Convert Wif To xprv
xprv = conv.int_to_xprv(dec)
# Convert Wif To xpub
xpub = conv.int_to_xpub(dec)
# Convert Wif To compress address
compress_address = conv.int_to_addr(dec, True)
# Convert Wif To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.int_to_addr(dec, False)
# Output
print('Private key', privatekey)
print('Mnemonic', mnemonic)
print('Compress address', compress_address)
print('Uncompress address', uncompress_address)
print('Wif', wif_compress)
print('WIF uncompress', wif_uncompress)
print('Dec', dec)
print('Binary', binary_str)
print('XPRV', xprv)
print('XPUB', xpub)

Generating Cryptocurrency Wallet Information with CryptoFuzz

In this Python script, we're utilizing the CryptoFuzz library, a powerful tool for generating and converting various cryptographic formats. This example demonstrates the generation of cryptocurrency wallet components from a randomly generated decimal number, showcasing the flexibility and utility of CryptoFuzz in handling cryptographic data.

Key Components Generated:

  • Private Key: A crucial element for accessing and managing a cryptocurrency wallet, displayed here in hexadecimal format.

  • Mnemonic Phrase: An easier-to-remember series of words generated from the decimal, used for recovering wallets.

  • Addresses: Both compressed and uncompressed formats of the wallet's address are shown, serving as the public identifier for receiving funds.

  • Wallet Import Format (WIF): Demonstrated in both compressed and uncompressed forms, this format is used for importing and exporting private keys across wallet software.

  • Binary Representation: Showcases the binary format of the decimal, further emphasizing the versatility of conversion options available.

  • Extended Public and Private Keys (xpub/xprv): These extended keys are crucial for generating wallet addresses in hierarchical deterministic (HD) wallets.

This script offers a comprehensive overview of how to leverage CryptoFuzz for generating and converting a wide range of cryptographic data, suitable for developing secure cryptocurrency wallets and applications.

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