Wif to Decimal

Convert Private Key WIF to Decimal Number (integer)

from secp256k2 import Contactor

cont = Contactor()

wif = "WIF_KEY_HERE"

privatekey = cont.btc_wif_to_pvk_int(wif)

The code above demonstrates the process of converting a Bitcoin Wallet Import Format (WIF) key into its corresponding private key in integer form using the secp256k1 library. Initially, a Contactor object is instantiated. Subsequently, the btc_wif_to_pvk_int method is called with a WIF key as its argument to perform the conversion. Note that the WIF_KEY_HERE placeholder should be replaced with your actual WIF key string.

# Convert WIF to private key integer
print(f"Private Key Integer: {privatekey}")

The above additional code snippet can be appended to print the resulting integer value of the private key, providing a clear, concise view of the output generated by the conversion process.

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