🔑Private Key (Wif)

Cryptofuzz Example Script For Recovery and Hunt Private Key Wif Any Cryptocurrencies Wallet

import os
from cryptofuzz import Convertor, Generator

conv = Convertor()
gen = Generator()

# generate byte
byte = os.urandom(32)
# convert Byte To wif
wif = conv.bytes_to_wif(byte)
# wif to mnemonic
mnemonic = conv.wif_to_mne(wif)
# Convert Wif To Hex
privatekey = conv.wif_to_hex(wif)
# Convert bytes To WIF Uncompress
wif_uncompress = conv.bytes_to_wif(byte, False)
# Convert Wif To Decimal Number
dec = conv.wif_to_int(wif)
# Convert Wif To Binary
binary_str = conv.wif_to_binary(wif)
# Convert Wif To xprv
xprv = conv.wif_to_xprv(wif)
# Convert Wif To xpub
xpub = conv.wif_to_xpub(wif)
# Convert Wif To compress address
compress_address = conv.wif_to_addr(wif, True)
# Convert Wif To uncompress address
uncompress_address = conv.wif_to_addr(wif, False)
# Output
print('Private key', privatekey)
print('Mnemonic', mnemonic)
print('Compress address', compress_address)
print('Uncompress address', uncompress_address)
print('Wif', wif)
print('WIF uncompress', wif_uncompress)
print('Dec', dec)
print('Binary', binary_str)
print('XPRV', xprv)
print('XPUB', xpub)

Handling Cryptocurrency Keys and Conversions with Python

In the realm of cryptocurrency, managing and transforming keys securely and efficiently is paramount. The script outlined demonstrates a comprehensive approach to dealing with cryptographic keys using the cryptofuzz library. Below are the key functionalities covered in the script:

  • Generating a Private Key: A 32-byte secure random number is generated to serve as a private key.

  • Converting Between Formats: The script showcases conversion from bytes to Wallet Import Format (WIF), WIF to mnemonic phrases for easy human readability, and various other formats such as hexadecimal, decimal, binary, and Extended Public and Private Keys (XPUB, XPRV).

  • Address Generation: Both compressed and uncompressed Bitcoin addresses are derived from the private key.

  • Comprehensive Output: Finally, the script prints out the converted values, providing a thorough overview of the cryptographic data generated and converted during the process.

This script is an exemplary introduction to handling and converting cryptographic keys, making it a valuable resource for developers working in the cryptocurrency space.

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